Saturday, November 15
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Saturday, November 15, 2008
Comments: 0
Big sister.
If you still don't know. I am the eldest among the family. I have all the eldest titles in our happy family. Eldest daughter, Eldest granddaughter and eldest great granddaughter. I have such a big responsibility to my family. I am happy because I am not being obliged to support my family financially. I can have my earnings for all myself. I am not the typical eldest who studies well to have a good job and support a family. All I have to do as an eldest is in the form of emotional and physical things and not financial. I feel very lucky.

Our maid went to her province for some reasons and our other maid went back to her province because of my katayaran, DAW. So last night, I did things that our maids usually do. :

  • I prepared our food.
  • I washed the dishes. ( I tell you, I hate washing dishes. Ask me to do everything but never and ever the dishes! )
  • I supervised my siblings shower time.
  • I cleaned my dog's poop.
  • I even washed my own clothes.
  • and cleaned the kitchen and the dinning room.
I can't believe I've done everything. Preparing food and supervising my siblings are easy but I never thought I could wash the dishes,wash my own clothes and even wash my dog's poop! I guess I am really a big sister now. These are the things I consider as responsibilities and obligations even with a maid or without a maid. Its a pleasure to serve my family with the things I can do. I feel delighted. :)

I ended the day with a warm shower and a goodnight sleep.
Of course, I talked to Charles to make me feel more relaxed.
He's my sweetest drug. :)


Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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