Saturday, November 15
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Saturday, November 15, 2008
Comments: 0
Helpful tips to stop gaining weight.
I love my body. I love everything about my body. I am contented with what I have though I have the smallest waist line compared to all of my classmates (next to gwen who is the slimmest girl of our class), Having a 24 inches waist, Of course, I stop myself from gaining much weight. I found this helpful tips in Cosmo magazine. I hope this will help you. I am very willing to share this to all of you.

Stop gaining weight and read this.

  • Never go grocery-shopping hungry.
It will lead you to load your cart with the most decadent items available.

  • Eat apples and lose weight
An apple is pack with fiber,nutrients, and water. So, If you munch on one, your stomach will feel full and you'll be unlikely to binge. People who eats apples before meal, lose weight faster.

  • Deep breathing can help
Hate looking at your abs, or whatever it is that passes for your abs? Take a deep breath and suck in your stomach for a few seconds. Repeat the action 10 times. Do it as often as you can. You'll see inches from your middle disappear soon enough.

  • Laughter is the best medicine
Laughter is very,very good for you. Not only does it exercise the muscles of your abdomen, It also helps burn loads of calories.

  • Milk your way to Weight loss
Experts find that getting too little calcium triggers the release of hormone called calcitriol, which tells the body to store fat instead of burn it. When calcium levels are sufficient, calcitriol levels remain low, and the body burns fat instead of storing it.

  • Pinch your ears to stop eating
If you feel your willpower suddenly slipping when confronted by sinful goodies on a tray, try pinching the small area of cartilage where your jaws start, just below the ears-this is an appetite control point according to acupuncturists. See if this helps you to stay off heavy treats.

  • Sleep more
Research into sleep and hormone function found that your metabolism rises and you burn calories more efficiently when you are well rested.

  • Go to the Mall
Go to the Mall and then spend all the time you want to doing what you always do--look around. Eventually, Choose a pile of clothes and then try them all out one by one. You obviously dont need to buy them all. This is a wonderful workout and one you'll enjoy as well.

  • Dont stop Fidgeting
Fidgeting: act of being nervous or adrenaline rush.
Fidgeting can burn a hundreds of calories a day. Every time you run to grab the phone, stand up and pace around for no reason, walk around during that TV commercials or while talking on your cellphone, tap your feet to the beat of the music playing, crack your knuckles, or even just stand instead of sitting down, you're actually shedding those extra pounds.

  • Don't confuse thirst for hunger ( I love this! This works for me. )
Always grab a bottle of water when stepping out of the house. Reach for that when the first hunger pangs strike-often what you mistake for hunger is actually thirst. So, the next time inexplicable hunger assails you, reach for water first, as drinking also helps you feel full.

I hope this helps you :)

Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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