Wednesday, November 19
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Comments: 0
After a Tiring day.
I had a very tiring day.
To soothe things out I want to
talk about food and random things.

1.Do you like breakfast? I really do.
2.If so, what do you usually eat for breakfast? Hotdogs, Tocinos, eggs and sometimes cereals.
3.What kind of cereal do you like? Corn flakes.
4.What kind of pop tarts do you like? I dont like poptarts.
5.Waffles or pancakes? pancakes.
6.Whats your favorite way to have eggs? sunny side up :)
7.Do you think you drink enough milk? Yes. I love milk very much.
8.Does it sometimes make you sick to eat breakfast? No.

1.Do you usually eat lunch, or skip it? I eat lunch.
2.What is your favorite thing to have for lunch? FOOD. hahaha.
3.Do you call it lunch or dinner? Dinner.
4.Do you think it's weird when people call lunch "dinner"? Sometimes.
5.Do you like lunch ables? No.
6.If so, what's your favorite kind? -
7.Do you think school lunches are good or nasty? they're good.
8.Do you often eat out for lunch? Yes.
9.What's your favorite kind of sandwich? Tuna sandwich.

1.What is your favorite meal? Buttered shrimp and crab / Beefsteak / giniling na may patatas.
2.What is your least favorite? Paksiw. :x
3.Is there anything that you hate the thought of eating, but once you eat it, it isn't so bad after all? Yes, Eggplant.
4.Does your family eat at the table or where ever? they eat at the table.
5.Do you always have a drink with you while you eat? yes.
6.Do you think its weird to have breakfast for dinner (like bacon & eggs)? No.
7.Is meatloaf really all that bad? YES!
8.Who cooks? My lola. She is the best cook ever!
9.Who's job is it to clean up afterwards? Our Maid.

1.Do you usually have dessert? No.
2.What is your favorite dessert? Fruits.
3.Pie or cake? neither!
4.Have you ever had strawberry shortcake? no,
5.Is apple pie as good as everyone makes it out to be? yes!

1.Do you often feel guilty for eating? Yes.
2.If so, why? i feel that I am over spending my money for extra fats. :)
3.Do you feel self-conscious eating in front of people? No.
4.Does it gross you out to see fat people eating? Only when they eat like a pig.
5.How about old people? No.
6.Kids? No. but sometimes they're messy.
7.Do you share food or does it gross you out? I share food.
8.What is one type of food you refuse to share? French Fries and Ice cream. NO WAY.
9.Home cooked meals or fast food? Home cooked meal.
10.Do you like your grandma's cooking? SUPER!
11.Is it really all that great? YES!
12.Are you hungry after talking about all this food? No. HAHAHA



Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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