Thursday, March 27
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Thursday, March 27, 2008
Comments: 0
Quick post.
Ive been really busy this past few days. Im kinda cramming and I really dont know what to do with my subjects. Especially ALGEBRA AND GEOMETRY. gawd.

I have lots of stories to blog but just don't have time to update. MAYBE tomorrow I can update my blog. but surely, I already forgot some of the things I want to say. OH NO!

and now. Im sleepy. I need a sleep.



Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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Blog things
6th month of sweetness
Nothing Much ♥
Fettucine with the Gaw Family ♥
7 sweetest rules? haha.
The sweetest thing
Dinner time with the gaw family. again.