Wednesday, August 6
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Comments: 0
Round and Round.
Update. Update. Chika. Chika.

I've been going online everyday but I was too busy to blog about random things. I've got many things to share and now, Everything is set on my mind.

I've got my permit for UST entrance exam.

1:00 - 5:00pm
Room 417
St. Raymund's building

Is there anyone here who has the same room with me?

As you can see, I pursued with my course choices. The first one is Bs Psychology and Industrial Engineering for second choice. It feels like I am between SCIENCE and MATH.
Science is fine but Math? Arghh. I hate it.

Papa God, Please Guide me. :)

Charles and I have been studying since last week. Every morning and After classes. His good in math. I'm bad in math. :( I'm good in Science. and when I say Science, Physics is an exemption. OK? HAHA :) so He teaches me in Math and I teach him in Science.

- - -


As I said on my earlier post in multiply. Yeah, not here in blogspot. :)
I surprised Charles by going along with his family when they had fetched him after his UPCAT.
That day was a lot of fun. Ate dinner at their home and had real fun. Though Charles and I had a little petty argument at their car on our way to their house It was still a lot of fun. Especially for the two of us. and since it was very memorable for me I wrote this happening on my journal in English . I was surprised when Charles told me that our English facilitator had already read my journal and told him that It was so sweet of me for doing that and that Charles is very lucky to have me daw and that it's good that I am very close to his family.


I didn't expect that. I read my journal once again. I saw the comments of our English facilitator on my entries. The longest yet meaningful one is her comment on my entry about Charles. She said that I was too sweet and that it's very rare to have an open relationship and told me to treasure every moment with him and of course, balance my studies and love life. still, I didn't expect her to comment on my entries. Especially that entry about Charles.

So okay. I'll stop talking now. I need to study. :)


Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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By Post
only when I sleep.
First time.
The five people you meet in heaven.
Andiyan na siya.
Save the best for last.
My man turned 16.
Yea :)