Wednesday, September 10
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Comments: 0
Close to Perfect.
`We had a test in English wherein if ever we got a perfect score, Automatically, We will be cleared in English. Well, That's how it is in a Non graded school like mine. I was very disappointed when my friend, Reinard told me about my score. 77/80. 3 mistakes away from being done and cleared in English. I was the highest among my classmates and the 2nd highest among the whole batch. The first one got 78. I was one mistake away from him. You know why I was very disappointed? Simply because, I was 3 MISTAKES AWAY FROM BEING CLEARED IN ENGLISH. If only I have studied more and harder. Sayang. Sobrang sayang. Kung na cleared ko ang English at this point of time I could use the English Time for updating my backlogs and skills in other subjects. :(

- - -

Our Friend Reinhel got confined because of Dengue. So we visited him yesterday. Good thing he's okay now. :)

Reinhel and my hair. :)

I saw a lot of # 7. haha!

Picture! :)


Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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