Sunday, December 30
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Sunday, December 30, 2007
Comments: 0
just a glimpse of my college life.
As I was browsing through the pages of Candy magazine August 2005 issue. I saw an interesting article. It was about COLLEGE and how to deal with it. I found it very informative since I just recently shift my interest into Business. so I decided to just take BS marketing management first. take note FIRST. so I simply mean that I am still willing to take up BS Nursing probably after my 1st course. and go all the way to Med proper to be a doctor. I guess? hell yeah. [ I'm wondering in what age I will be finishing those courses? hihi ]

Sometimes I feel like wanting to be a nurse or a doctor someday but whenever I think about my future family.
It stops me from pursuing in the field of medicine. you know why? because I know I wont be able to balance my time between my family and my work. I don't want to be a mom nor a wife who leaves the house every now and then and not be able to spend holidays with my family.

I cant imagine myself being like that. and anyway, being a nurse or a doctor is not really what I wanted. I'm just really interested in learning everything about the Human Body but having to work as a nurse or a doctor is not my field of interest.

I want to don those business suits and be a corporate chick.
meeting different peoples, presenting proposals and everything.
that is what I always wanted.

I just hope I could be a successful woman someday.

- - -

I took this quiz in candymag that helps what course to choose.
So I took it.
and the result was a tie.
A tie between
College of Business
College of Science and Engineering

I was stunned from the results!
Under College of Business lies BS marketing management.
and Under College of Science and Engineering lies BS nursing.

but I still stick to my decisions. a decision that might change. hehe.ü


- - -

Charles and I just got a conversation about college.
I told him that I am pretty excited about my college life.
and I told him that I hope that we'll go in the same university.

He said even if we will not be able to go in the same university
at least we both should be SUCCESSFUL.
Yeah. He is right. We should be successful. We should pursue in LIFE.
I asked him if he wanna go on the same university with me.
He said of course. He wants to but he said that we must more concentrate on our priorities.
I was like.
uh. okay. I get it.

I don't know why but my intuition tells me that He doesn't want to go on the same university with me.
I really don't know why but that is what I felt when he told me that.
Maybe he really wants to pursue and to focus to be SUCCESSFUL. and set aside ME. [ oh no?! ]
ok. I know I am over analyzing things. its just that it isn't what I am expecting him to tell me.
I guess expecting too much HURTS me. [ aww ouch ]

since im over analyzing it.
Lets look at the brighter side.
but I cant think of anything brighter by this time. [ PASS! Im a DORK. ]

oww. btw. He wants to study in UP while I want to study in UST.
He once told me if he did not pass in UP. UST will be his second option.
but I know he will pass the UPCAT. I believe he will pass. He has the possibility to pass.
and if that happens I will be a lot Happy for him. cause I know UP is where he really wants to study
and also because most of his cousins studies in UP.

I am not his girlfriend to manipulate him.

I am his girlfriend to support him in anything he wants to be .

♥ Mary Angel

Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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