Monday, April 28
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Monday, April 28, 2008
Comments: 0
Boyfriend Report Card
Candy mag: April issue p.80


A+ - No matter ho much his day gets, he can subtract a few minutes from whatever he’s doing to add you into the picture
C - You rarely have his undevided attention, and sometimes you wonder just where you fit into the equation of his life.
F - Lately, the number of times he’s flaked on a date or forgotten to call has been steadily scarily multiplying.

A+ - When you fight, you can always talk things over. and when he apologizes and promises to work it up to you, he means it.
C - He tends to calm you up for no apparent reason, and you have to ask more than once bebfore he finally tells you what’s wrong.
F - When he’s mad at you, which is often, he doesn’t speak to you. at all. for days. either that, or a big shouting match.

A+ - Your chemistry is undeniable. you can read each other’s moods, make each other laugh over the littlest things, and your inside jokes are infinite.
C – Your chemistry has sort of fizzled out from your earlier stages of being a couple. somehow, things just aren’t as rosy and kilig as they used to be.
F – Things have been so rocky that you often feel like performing brain surgery on him just to find out what’s going on in that head of his.

physical education
A+ - He tells you he loves you even when you’re feeling un-pretty. (And, he knows the right answer to, “Hon, do these jeans make me look fat?”)
C – You asks him if he likes your new shoes and he doesn’t even notice. but when a cute chick in a super-short skirt shruts by, oh, he definitely notices.
F – He gives you unsolicited advice on everything: keep your hair long, stop wearing that ratty Care Bears shirt, don’t eat too much ice cream…

A+ - He pulls out all the stops for you—he sings for you in his off-key voice, draws your “portrait,” and writes you really bad (but really funny!) poetry.
C – His most creative concept of a date is having dinner with his barkada and watching Superbad on DVD. but that’s okay. you guess.
F – When you proudly e-mail him a short story you wrote about the two of you, he replies, “cool. Which website did you get this from?”


Honor Student. This guy is a catch!
Barely Passing. Are you still happy?
Missing the Mark. He's SO not worth it.

- - -

Name: Charles Michael Co Gaw
Math: A+
He always finds a way to see me even for just a few minutes.
Language: A+
Aww. Definitely! We usually forget our pride and forget who is right
Science: A+
HAHA! We always laugh. We love to laugh. We can tell each other about anything and everything under the sun!
P.E: A+
HAHA. I always get positive compliments from him. ü
Art: C
Naaa. He's not really that artsy but even though he's not an A+ in art he finds way to be creative and romantic!

A+ Honor Student. This guy is a catch!

So tell me. Is your boyfriend and A+ C or F?


Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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