Monday, April 28
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Monday, April 28, 2008
Comments: 0
I love mangoes but i cant indulge myself eating a lot of it since mangoes are a good source in gaining weight.
Eating mango is really Beneficial for health.
Mango is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Vitamin C content is more in raw mango as compared to that in ripe mango.
Mangoes are a good source of vitamins and minerals essential for the human body. It is an affordable and seasonal fruit.
Mango, being high in calories and carbohydrates, is good for those who are trying to gain weight. The phenolic compound found in mangoes has been found to have powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties. Being high in iron, mango is said to be very good for pregnant women as well as for people suffering from anemia. Mango is believed to be effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.

Mango is a super fruit! HAHA


Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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