Friday, December 19
Posted by: ELLA ♥
Time: Friday, December 19, 2008
Comments: 0
School Update.
I wasn't able to update right away because my keyboard has difficulty working. My Brother accidentally spilled the green tea that he was drinking that moment. I was devastated when I went back home only to hear that news. I tried to revive my keyboard but it did not work. So I had no choice but to use ONSCREEN KEYBOARD which I have difficulty using it especially when chatting. Fcuk. I am now using my mom's laptop for easier access.

A lot of events happened to our school this month and the majors are Field Demo, BEC Christmas party and the Batch Party(SENIORS).

When we first knew about the said event. All of us(Seniors) didn't like the Idea. It was like a culture shock for us because all the way we thought of intramural but we had no choice but to participate. Our Dance was good but somehow, our costume isn't a good idea but in the end, I know we have had presented a very good performance. At least, For once or for the last time our batch was united. We lost by the way.

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American Indian.

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DOA ( Dizon, Olaso, Alex )

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T.O.A.D.S & My Happy Family.

This event was the best night of my senior life not because of what I have seen during the program but because my friends, the kshatrias was united again. We were all overjoyed that night. I missed my friends so much. We havent had a good conversation and a good bonding moment together since then and I am bothered for that fact that John Mark and I are not talking for some reasons that I myself do not even understand.
I want to congratulate the winners of the dance competition and the battle of the bands.

Anyways, BEC CELL #52, I think, was the most loudest group and has the most number of foods. We had stik-o, puto, brownies, Doughnut,pichi-pichi, pizza, popcorn and drinks plus the pringles that we had won.
Yeah, Winning that Pringles made us all happy because we never really thought that we will be picked for the prize. That moment, The moment that draw lots are being made, We were just shouting our cell #. We were all shouting " 52! , 52! " then bang! we heard: " CELL # 52! " the host said. We all screamed not for the fact that we have a pringles but the anticipation of being picked. We all had fun and the fireworks at the end was great! We never thought about the fireworks. The fireworks ended the event so well. :)

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The Black and White Party

The batch christmas party was the last christmas party that I have attended in High school but I or should I say We felt a bit boring. We did not enjoy the event for some reasons that the activities and all were not that entertaining and the food that we payed for P250 isn't good at all even the set up of the gym wasnt that great. I thought Seniors Batch party will be the best of all the parties in highschool but indeed, I think I was wrong but still we all had fun though.

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T.O.A.D.S and Kshatrias Girls.
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I love them so much!
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Jovee and Karen! AYIEEE! :)
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My Boyfriend and My Bestfriend.
After Party.

Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.

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