These poems are made especially for me. These poems are from a guy who is very close to my heart. A guy I never thought would fall in love with me. Read and Realize. :)BEFORE: ( Taken from my multiply blog. Posted around June-July 2008 )
TITLE: From a very especial boy of mine.
No. It isn't my boyfriend. Its not Charles who gave me this heart warming poem. I cried in happiness while I was reading it because I never really thought I was REALLY that especial to him. He isnt the very first guy who gave me a wonderful poem. I've received a lot of poems from friends and boys already but HIS poem really touched my heart and the only poem given to me that speaks the truth. No lies. HIS poem is really Different from the others. I was really amazed. ü
For You Bezzy
Thank you for being the friend you are Bezzy I never thought that I would find a friend so great and a friend so kind I look up to you in every way cause I learn something from you every day. Without you I don't know where I'd be but you're still here, friends with me you deserve so much more than I can give but without you I wouldn't live. You've given me more than money can buy and for you I'd give my all and I would die This feeling I feel gets stronger every day hoping not to mess it up, I constantly pray. You're an angel from God up above and I'm thankful for your understanding love because when you're around everything seems right and for you, until the end, I will fight. It doesn't matter what you do or say because you'll be my friend anyway I know the real you that's down deep inside and in you, I'll always confide. Thank you for being the friend you are you're my best friend, an angel by far everything in you is an inspiration to do great and you'll be loved by all cause that's your fate! So never stop being the real and wonderful you cause God shines through in all that you do and whenever it seems like I'm never there remember this: I love you and I'll always care! This is for you, my best friend, Bezzy one person i can tell my soul too Who can relate to me like no other Who I can laugh with to no extents, Who I can cry too when times are tough, Who can help me with the problems of my life. Never have you turned your back on me Or told me I wasn't good enough Or let me down I don't think you know what that means to me You have went through so much pain with your love and family and you still have time For me. And I love you for listening even when inside YOU are dying And I look up too you because you are strong, and caring and beautiful. Even though you don't think you are. And I hope you know that I am always here To listen to you laugh and cry and help In all the ways that i can And I will try to be at least half the friend you are To me. I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, with out you. My best friend Mary Angelbelle Dizon
- Lloyd Frilles
and around September-October 2008, He made this for me out of confusion about what he really feels.
Whenever i feel I can't go onyou somehow make me feel betterand i don't even tell you wahts wrongim invisibleyet you still see meall this timehow blind can i bei know you love himand you'll never leavebut friends..thats enough for meI'd rather have you as my friendthan not at alljust knowing that your thereready to catch me when i fall - Lloyd Frilles
and these three poems are my favorite. He recently made this for me. His poems are really heart warming. He is really good in making poems, in expressing his own feelings. I adore him. I am very touched by these poems. I really appreciate it. and oh BTW, HER is my favorite. :)These are taken from his blog. Click here.
tell me do you?
Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss If you love me please answer this Do you love me or do you not? You told me once but I forgot So tell me now tell me true So I can tell you I love you Of all the girls I've ever met You are the one I won't forget And if I die before you do I'll go to heaven and wait for you If you're not there on Judgment Day I'll know you went the other way I'll give the angels back their wings And risk the lose of everything
Just to prove my love for you I'll go to hell to be with you
I wish I could have a chance with you And I wish that you want the same thing too.
I have had fun the last few days Talking to you made me feel special, like I could make it through. Nothing has made me happier Then when you come on and make me want you even more.
Just talking to you puts a smile on my face So many times I have thought I lost my fate. Hurt by a girl my heart was torn apart But slowly you are putting it back together.
One question that has been running through my mind I must ask you this hopefully it will enlighten a spark Can I enter your heart?
I like holding her hand, Holding her in my arms Never wanting to let go Never saying goodbye, Wishing the kiss lasted forever.
Her smile brightens my day And her presence is even greater For then I know I will always Love her And with every Hug and Kiss Our relationship grows stronger.
I feel sad when she cries, Wanting to make things better, But all I can do is tell her That I will always be there. And I just want her to know that I will always Love her.
- Lloyd Frilles
Lloyd Frilles, My Best friend & My Lover. :) (Wondering why? Read my another post. HERE ) 
These poems are made especially for me. These poems are from a guy who is very close to my heart. A guy I never thought would fall in love with me. Read and Realize. :)BEFORE: ( Taken from my multiply blog. Posted around June-July 2008 )
TITLE: From a very especial boy of mine.
No. It isn't my boyfriend. Its not Charles who gave me this heart warming poem. I cried in happiness while I was reading it because I never really thought I was REALLY that especial to him. He isnt the very first guy who gave me a wonderful poem. I've received a lot of poems from friends and boys already but HIS poem really touched my heart and the only poem given to me that speaks the truth. No lies. HIS poem is really Different from the others. I was really amazed. ü
For You Bezzy
Thank you for being the friend you are Bezzy I never thought that I would find a friend so great and a friend so kind I look up to you in every way cause I learn something from you every day. Without you I don't know where I'd be but you're still here, friends with me you deserve so much more than I can give but without you I wouldn't live. You've given me more than money can buy and for you I'd give my all and I would die This feeling I feel gets stronger every day hoping not to mess it up, I constantly pray. You're an angel from God up above and I'm thankful for your understanding love because when you're around everything seems right and for you, until the end, I will fight. It doesn't matter what you do or say because you'll be my friend anyway I know the real you that's down deep inside and in you, I'll always confide. Thank you for being the friend you are you're my best friend, an angel by far everything in you is an inspiration to do great and you'll be loved by all cause that's your fate! So never stop being the real and wonderful you cause God shines through in all that you do and whenever it seems like I'm never there remember this: I love you and I'll always care! This is for you, my best friend, Bezzy one person i can tell my soul too Who can relate to me like no other Who I can laugh with to no extents, Who I can cry too when times are tough, Who can help me with the problems of my life. Never have you turned your back on me Or told me I wasn't good enough Or let me down I don't think you know what that means to me You have went through so much pain with your love and family and you still have time For me. And I love you for listening even when inside YOU are dying And I look up too you because you are strong, and caring and beautiful. Even though you don't think you are. And I hope you know that I am always here To listen to you laugh and cry and help In all the ways that i can And I will try to be at least half the friend you are To me. I hope you know I would not be the person I am today, with out you. My best friend Mary Angelbelle Dizon
- Lloyd Frilles
and around September-October 2008, He made this for me out of confusion about what he really feels.
Whenever i feel I can't go onyou somehow make me feel betterand i don't even tell you wahts wrongim invisibleyet you still see meall this timehow blind can i bei know you love himand you'll never leavebut friends..thats enough for meI'd rather have you as my friendthan not at alljust knowing that your thereready to catch me when i fall - Lloyd Frilles
and these three poems are my favorite. He recently made this for me. His poems are really heart warming. He is really good in making poems, in expressing his own feelings. I adore him. I am very touched by these poems. I really appreciate it. and oh BTW, HER is my favorite. :)These are taken from his blog. Click here.
tell me do you?
Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss If you love me please answer this Do you love me or do you not? You told me once but I forgot So tell me now tell me true So I can tell you I love you Of all the girls I've ever met You are the one I won't forget And if I die before you do I'll go to heaven and wait for you If you're not there on Judgment Day I'll know you went the other way I'll give the angels back their wings And risk the lose of everything
Just to prove my love for you I'll go to hell to be with you
I wish I could have a chance with you And I wish that you want the same thing too.
I have had fun the last few days Talking to you made me feel special, like I could make it through. Nothing has made me happier Then when you come on and make me want you even more.
Just talking to you puts a smile on my face So many times I have thought I lost my fate. Hurt by a girl my heart was torn apart But slowly you are putting it back together.
One question that has been running through my mind I must ask you this hopefully it will enlighten a spark Can I enter your heart?
I like holding her hand, Holding her in my arms Never wanting to let go Never saying goodbye, Wishing the kiss lasted forever.
Her smile brightens my day And her presence is even greater For then I know I will always Love her And with every Hug and Kiss Our relationship grows stronger.
I feel sad when she cries, Wanting to make things better, But all I can do is tell her That I will always be there. And I just want her to know that I will always Love her.
- Lloyd Frilles
Lloyd Frilles, My Best friend & My Lover. :) (Wondering why? Read my another post. HERE ) 
Real Name: Mary Angelbelle S. Dizon
Age: 17
Birth Date: September 19, 1992
School: Centro Escolar University
Course: Dentistry
I am Mary Angel but call me Ella. My BLOG documents my Bittersweet Life as a University Student, an intimidating Friend, a Loving Daughter, a Sweet Girlfriend and an Independent G I R L. This is my Web Journal where in all my thoughts, craves, rants and happenings in my life are posted. Constructive Criticism are highly appreciated! ♥
University Student ○ I am currently taking up DENTISTRY which is one of the difficult and the most expensive majors. At first, It was hard dealing with college life, the subjects along with the lessons and its quizzes and projects and of course, the professors and the grades, block mates and the school itself. but as the days go by all the pressure and pleasure, fun, hardships, trials and updates about being a College Student have a sense of fulfillment in the end! :)
Intimidating Friend ○ What is Friend? For me Friend is someone you have that knows how to deal with your drama in life. Someone who accepts you for who you are, Someone who isn't afraid of telling you your wrong doings, Someone who will never turn their back in spite of your mood swings and attitude problems. Someone who will always settle things with you. That's how I define FRIEND. You? How do you define FRIENDSHIP?
Loving Daughter ○ I love my family so much. They are the foundation of my own self. I am the eldest among the family. At this point of time, Pressure of being the eldest do not conquer me, YET. When I was younger, my grandmother nurtured me and took care of me when my Mom was away and still, nurturing and taking care of me at this point of time even Mom is already here for us. I owe my grandmother so much. Though I was spoiled by her in many ways and sometimes unintentionally made things difficult for her because of my wrong doings I still go back and make it up to her. She became a Mother, a Father and a Grandmother to me all at the same time. She's my inspiration in life.
Sweet Girlfriend ○ Oh yes, I am into a long term relationship right now, with my Best Friend. You read it right. Best Friends turned Lovers. Being in love with your best friend is good and easy and being in a relationship with your Best friend isn't better but the BEST! Friendship is a very good foundation of LOVE and I am very much happy to have a relationship with friendship as a foundation but of course, just like any love, Trials and Challenges still come along our way but everything's worth it.
Mary Angelbelle Dizon.
My Dad once told me how they got my name. He said, When mom was laboring, He prayed to Mama Mary and the Angels for Mom's guidance. That's how I got, Mary Angel, from Mama Mary and the Angels and the Belle? Well, Dad said he got that from Mom's name: Bel.
Yes I know, I have a very long name. Haha.
For the obvious fact that I have a very long name, I had difficulty choosing a name to call me, a nickname. Before it was Belle, then it turned to Elle and finally, I settled for one, ELLA. I love that name ever since. It was hard convincing people to call me Ella because they are all used to call me ANGEL but I know they'll get used to it. :)
- I was born 10:36 am at Olivarez Hospital, Paranaque.
- Christened at St. Andrew Church, Paranaque.
- I am the Eldest Child.
- I am the Eldest Grandchild.
- I am the Eldest Great Grandchild.
- I have no full siblings. - Unica Hija of my Parents but I have siblings on both sides now. :)
- I have two handsome brothers and one pretty sister ( Maternal ). - named Simon, Samuel and Sarah. I love them so much!
- I have a beautiful mother. - Of course, kanino pa ba ako magmamana? :)
- I have a boyfriend. - named Lloyd Philip Hamilton-brown Frilles. He's my bestfriend before he became my boyfriend. Cool right? :D

- Primary: El Nino de Salambao Academy, Paranaque
- Elementary: ENDSA and MES, BES.
- High School: PNHS, Angelicum College, Quezon City
- Academic and Special Awards: Best in Art (Kinder), Best in Science (Elementary) 1st runner up Miss Agham (Elementary), Most Courteous (Elementary), 2nd honorable mention (Elementary), Two 4th honorable mention (Elementary). (I had no awards in High school, AC is a non graded institution. )
- College: Centro Escolar University, Manila - Taking up Dentistry and currently on my 2nd year.
- Independent - I take care of myself, alone.
- Optimistic - I see things on the bright side whenever I have a problem.
- Sweet - I am sweet when it comes to the people I care about. So dont get me wrong.
- Loving - as much as possible I try showing my love but when I dont see anything in return, I might bounce back.
- Sarcastic - I use this to defend my self.
- Frank - When you get into my nerves I could tell the most hurtful word to you. " I say what I mean and mean what I say. "
- Vain - Well, I guess its just a part of being a GIRL.
- Stubborn - Yes. Very Stubborn and Bossy. I want what I want. ( You can ask my mom.)
- Dancer - I love dancing ever since. I just dont have that much passion to get into it.
- Wild - Wild in a sense that I am game for anything. :)
- Spoiled - I was spoiled when I was younger. Before, My grandparents almost give everything I want and need and that was lots of love! I am still spoiled right now, by Lloyd.
- Bitch - I hate people who hurts people's feelings. I stand up for them and that makes me a bitch to you.
- Opinionated - Beware: My opinion contains sarcasm, well not all the time. :D
- Health Freak - I am very much concern when it comes to my body. My hate list includes: Alcohol and Smoke, any kind of smoke.
- Confident - I believe Confidence is one of the most important attitudes of being a person without it you cannot achieve what you want.
- Loud - Only with my friends!
- Moody - Yes, Especially PMS days. My mood swings to one mood to another. At least, Lloyd can handle it. : p
- Sporty - I play badminton. I love swimming and hiking.
- Hard chick - I kick ass! : p
- Outgoing - Is wild and outgoing the same? :D
- Elegant - Simple yet Elegant, that's me! :D
- Mean - Yes, especially if you are also mean to me. I am meaner.
- High Maintenance - Very. Especially when it comes to myself. I have a high standard to the point that people get mad at me because of how I act. I just love myself so much, you know.
- Bestfriends turned Lovers - We were best friends for more than 2 years before we actually had love feelings for each other. The feeling was mutual.
- It wasn't easy - It was really hard because I had a current relationship back then. The story? Here.
- Months of Trials and Hardships - Before we moved in to the next stage, We went through ups and downs to finally be together and I gave him so much challenges to prove himself to me. It was really hard because I was always misunderstood by people and sadly, my own friends for giving him hard time and extreme difficulties and for the fact that my grandmother wont approve to our relationship that time made it all worst but later, my grandmother did understood me.
- April 29, 2009 - We became Official. :) I finally ended all his miseries. ( As if it was very hard. Hahaha ) The story? Here.
- Blissful - For me, A relationship with your best friend is the most blissful relationship. It maybe hard for us at the start but the reward of trials and hardships is incomparable. Why? Its all because of FRIENDSHIP! The foundation of your love is friendship. I tell you, In a relationship like this you have to be open and optimistic. Just like any relationship, this also have downfalls but if you think ahead and look into the brighter side you can surpass anything that gets into your way. Remember: Do not get afraid of committing just because you are afraid of losing the friendship. You have to take the risk if you want to be happy. Truly HAPPY. :)
- My Family - My Dad, Mom, Simon, Sarah, Samuel and my Grandmother. :)
- Lloyd! ♥
- Pancho - My 4 year old mini pincher. He's my baby dog!
- Hello Kitty - I love her ever since. GAAAH. Give me more kitties.
- Butterflies
- Dimsum
- Sushi
- Pasta
- Bulalo
- Beef Steak
- Sarsa Iglesia
- Buttered Crab and Shrimp
- Corn
- Mango and Strawberry
- Desserts
- Anything that my lola cooks. ♥
- Cybershot Camera
- iPhone
Underwater Camera
Nokia N70
- Laptop
- Subaru Impreza WRX or Mazda 3
- My Bedroom - My heaven.
- Puerto Galera
Cebu - Lived here for three years.
Bohol - I saw dolphins here! :)
- Palawan
Hongkong - I love ocean park.
- Japan - Madaming Hello kitty dito!! GAAAHH.
- Korea
- Paris
- Enchanted Kingdom - 1st anniversary plan. ♥
- Cockroaches - as in capital I-P-I-S!
- Pollution - Pollution makes me poor. I waste all my money for a taxi fare just because I hate smokes so much. It gives me headache. Grrr. Cant the authorities do something about it?
- Cigarette's smoke - Nahihilo ako.
- Dance Club - Not that I hate dancing and mingling with people. I just hate loud music. It gives me migraine.
- Coward - People who cant even face me. As in face to face and just keep on talking behind my back are pathetic.
- Walk out - I hate it how people walk out when they are face to something they cant stand.
I know this is pretty long but still,
I'm happy I was able to express myself in words. :D
- Ella Dizon
" Doll Outside, Devil Inside. "
Ella. εїз 17. Independent. Virgo. Eldest. Taken. Escolarian. Optimistic. Sweet. Frank. Vain. Spoiled. Opinionated. Confident. Loud. Moody. Outgoing. Girly. Elegant. Mean.
Blogger: Ella Dizon
Browser: Mozilla Firefox
Screen resolution: 1280 x 800 pixels
Host: Blogger
Layout: Indie Devotee
Done by: Victoria
I just cant.
Celebrity Experience.
Just a quick post.
Shut up.
Major change.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
School Update.
Condo mo O Grades mo?
One step away from the partial list.
I'm Back.